(843) 410-0597 Appointment

Wigs, Toppers,
and Complete Hair Systems

Wigs, Toppers, and Complete Hair Systems can work wonders for your confidence, style, and living the life you deserve

wigs, toppers, and complete hair systems
Charleston Wigs, Toppers, and Complete Hair Systems model smiling

If you are experiencing hair loss, we want you to know that you're not alone

Whether it’s Trichotillomania, AndroGenetic Alopecia, Chemotherapy, or one of the many other reasons for hair loss, Ageless hair restoration has a solution for you. Some people are not candidates for or are not interested in non-surgical hair restoration, and that is where alternative hair comes in. Wigs, Toppers, and Complete Hair Systems made from the finest quality human hair can allow you to live your life again and have the hair you want.

wigs, toppers, and complete hair systems

Hair Loss affects 80+ percent of men and 50+ percent of women

Experiencing hair loss can be a scary and emotional thing to go through. You do not have to hide from pictures, avoid social gatherings, or suffer from anxiety and shame. There are lots of great options and solutions. Hairpieces have come a long way, and there are so many beautiful, high-quality options that you can have your life back. Come in for a private one-on-one consultation just to see what is possible for you and the difference it could make for the quality of your life. At Ageless Hair Restoration, we are proud to offer innovative non-surgical hair restoration services as well as replacement options that are undetectable, beautiful, and, most importantly, comfortable. 

Charleston Wigs, Toppers, and Complete Hair Systems model with brown hair

What are Toppers?

Toppers are an alternative hair option for women who are experiencing hair loss but still have existing hair. Hair toppers conceal thin areas as well as add volume to fine or thin hair. A topper is typically used on the top of the head in the part or crown areas and should blend seamlessly with your existing hair. Toppers may be attached using combs, clips, or other adhesives. Toppers can come in many colors, lengths, and sizes. Most human hair toppers can be customized to your specific look. Toppers go by many names, including top pieces, top extensions, clip-in hair pieces, hair additions, and volumizers. Hair toppers are a great option for many women looking to feel great about their hair again.

Why a Complete Hair System?

A hair system is designed to be applied and left in place for an extended period of time, typically between 2 and 6 weeks. With a complete hair system, you shower, swim, and style your hair system the same way you style your natural hair. Your activities and lifestyle will not be limited by your hair. The biggest difference between a complete hair system and a wig is that with a traditional wig, you would remove it for sleeping, swimming, and other activities. But with a complete hair system, it is bonded to your head and will stay on for 2 to 6 weeks at a time.

Charleston Wigs, Toppers, and Complete Hair Systems model with brown hair

Why would I choose Wig vs Hair System vs Topper?

Choosing which type is right for you can be overwhelming. Your provider will review all of the options within each category. One may choose a wig if they have total hair loss or are just not happy with the quality of their hair. A topper is a great way to cover a certain area, usually the top of the head, (ie topper) if you still have hair that it can blend into. If you are wanting to sleep, shower, and swim in your piece, then a hair system may be best for you. Our hair loss specialist is familiar with all options and can help you choose the right option for you!

wigs, toppers, and complete hair systems
Charleston Wigs, Toppers, and Complete Hair Systems model smiling


We know that setting up a consultation can be very scary. We will happily guide you through the process at your own pace, addressing your personal needs and any questions that you may have.

For most patients, the hardest step is just booking the consultation, but almost all patients feel much better after the consultation, and they know what their options are. 


It's very important that you get the right size and shape of wig or topper for your head. It is not a one-size-fits-all; there are a lot of customizable options, so you can have the hair you want. Get your head accurately measured so the new hair fits properly, looks natural, and is comfortable to wear. An improperly fitted wig or topper not only doesn't look right, it can cause headaches, scalp irritation, and damage your existing biological hair. 80% of men and half of women can suffer from hair loss; you do not have to suffer alone. A properly fitted wig or topper can make a huge difference in your look, your confidence, and how you feel. Most people who buy hair online buy 2 to 5 pieces that they cannot return and end up wearing none of them because they do look right and are uncomfortable to wear. Let our hair loss expert show you what the best options are for you. You should touch, feel, and try on the different products that are out there so you can make the right choice for you. We are here to help.

Please call (843) 410-0597 today and schedule your private consultation. If you have some questions but are not ready to book a full consultation, we can do a 15-minute free video call to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

There are so many ways now to improve the look of your skin and hair. From simple self care hacks to the latest medical procedure and everything in between. It all depends on your goals. We offer custom solutions to fit your needs, budget and preferences. When you make an appointment at Ageless Medical Spa & Hair Restoration you're going to work with a passionate caring expert. Who is going to know what is going on with you and offer you a range of solutions to meet your goals. Please book a free 15 minute in person or video consultation today.

180 Wingo Way #106, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

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